The reintroduction of zebra to one of Zambia’s parks

48 Zebra relocated to Nsumbu National Park after the species had become locally extinct


Nsumbu Tanganyika; Frankfurt Zoological Society; North Luangwa; Zambian Department of Parks and Wildlife; Tracy and Du Plessis Game Captur; and the essential funding of the Wyss Campaign


Along with the newly-introduced buffalo in 2021, we also relocated 48 Zebra from North Luangwa National Park to Nsumbu National Park on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, in northern Zambia.  

Nsumbu’s zebra population are suspected to have gone locally extinct due to heavy poaching in the recent past, with their numbers being too low to recover naturally. This project returned zebra back to Nsumbu National Park which is now sufficiently protected, and will once again roam this beautiful landscape!  

These translocations were the first step towards achieving Nsumbu’s translocation goals and play a significant role in their landscape restoration program.
